Previously, paper cups were used mainly by fast foods.
Today, ordinary buyers enjoy the benefits of using such dishes. As proof of this theory, paper cups can be found almost everywhere.
Let's start with fast food
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the “germless glass” (that is the name given to its creators) has firmly entered the catering industry. Now an express cafe can be called leaders in the promotion of paper cups "to the masses".
The popularity of the plate is in practicality: the paper cup is made of thick cardboard, so the hot drink poured into it does not burn your hands. In addition, it can be put in the microwave and the product will not lose its shape and will not deteriorate.
The popularity of the cup and environmental friendliness: made from natural raw materials, it does not harm the body. Therefore, the absence of harmful substances in the composition of the dishes deserves special attention. It’s also easier to dispose of. Practical and safe paper ware not only saves time and money, but also works to increase profits by quickly changing the flow of visitors.
... sit in the park ...
Much nicer to spend your coffee break in nature. Increasingly, you can meet a company of students or colleagues who had a picnic at lunchtime right on the lawn or on a bench in the park. The main reason for the growing consumer demand for "germ-free cups" in the convenience of use. Often, takeaway beverage glasses are provided with a lid, due to which the liquid does not spill. The non-spill cover is always necessary by the way, if you need to drink the contents on the go.
... go to the supermarket ...
Despite the one-time purpose of paper cups, manufacturers pay a lot of attention to quality and aesthetic factors - empty white “cloths” attract consumers less and less. Picky buyers are interested in products of various colors, or even with intricate designs. Special attention is paid to festive sets: “Happy Birthday”, tableware with romantic motifs. Products with a laminated coating, produced in various colors are in great demand. In addition, dishes should have sufficient capacity, and at the same time be compact and light in weight. The most popular sizes: 110 ml, 250 ml and 350 ml.
... and on the night movie session!
The ability to carry advertising to the masses is another significant reason for the popularity of paper cups. This is the perfect canvas for full color printing. Large glasses of popcorn in most cases will not be boring empty canvases. But advertisers have a considerable field of activity: cups for popcorn in volume can reach from 0.7 l to 5 l. They are full of bright announcements of the upcoming new movies or advertising logos of companies. By the way, so information about the advertiser is remembered better. Such hidden advertising is not annoying with its obsession and the consumer, being in a relaxed state, remembers it at a subconscious level.